Monday, December 15, 2008

Jobs in America

Now I know, I gave a list of things that I was going to write about, but since I listen to talk radio instead of music, I felt like this was important. Glen Beck is a conservative (like me) and mentioned several things that I listened to on my ninety minute commute home from work this evening. Now, if you are a liberal, then I don't hold that against you....but....I do hope that you will think upon this with the utmost importance.

I want each and every one of you to check out your wallet. What is in it? A bunch of plastic and a little bit of cash if you are like me. Well....Take good note of what you are able to purchase with that money. I only say this because based off the way we are heading, you will most likely only be able to purchase half as much in a few years with that same money as you can today.

Think about it in basic economical terms. If we "bail out" several corporations with "money", then what is that money worth. Well, we don't bail them out with gold, diamonds, pearls, or platinum.....instead, we bail them out with paper. Now, the last time I went to Office Depot, I bought a case of paper for roughly 46 dollars. I also can go to Toys-R-Us and buy a Monopoly game for about 12 dollars. So, I have the paper, I have the monopoly money, and I have a scanner on my printer. Well....what the heck....just keep on printing monopoly money. I'm rich, rich, rich......Until I actually have to buy something and they tell me my money is worth nothing.

......And....That is exactly what flooding the economy with printed money will do for us. We feel great because we have money in our pockets, but when we find out that it will take a wagon-full of money to make a purchase rather than the few bills we have in our wallets.....that's when the crap hits the fan.

In retropect, the best thing that you can do is to work your everloving ass off. I mean, work your ass off. Don't feel that any job is "below you". Be the best at what you do. My first job included cutting up squid and dead cigar minnows. I smelled like holy hell, but I still had a good time because I got to spend time on the water. So, keep on keeping on and work your butt off, and, God will do the rest.

So.....Hang on to every dollar you a few years, what you have now may not be enough to buy a pack of gum.

Take care, and God Bless us All,
William Polk

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