Thursday, December 11, 2008

Economy in the Terms of Forrest Gump

In these tough economical times, I wonder this....How do you run a business that has more destiny for demise than hope for survival? Here is my plan....Be just like Forrest Gump in the shrimp boat industry. Hugh??? Here is how.

If you've seen the movie.....which I am sure most of you have.....Forrest Gump had no idea how to be a shrimp boat captain. He failed miserably at first, but only had pitiful success the longer he tried. Still, in the end, he was more successful than anyone. How did he achieve this prosperity? Of course....a natural disaster.

Now, in the terms of the movie, it was a hurricane that wiped out the rest of the shrimping industry in Bayou LaBatre'. While what I have to work with has nothing to do with a natural disaster, it does in fact have to do with an economical disaster. In other words, while you might try to be the best at what you do, sometimes trying isn't enough. In fact, sometimes it requires taking advantage of what other people have done before you to lay the groundwork for your success.

I'm using the success of Williams-Sonoma, Inc. to help me out. Forrest Gump didn't see success until the rest of the shrimping industry was destroyed by a hurricane. Me....I feel like we can weather the storm of the economy based on our name and strong economic history in order to be one of the few corporations left that have not filed bankruptcy and when customers do have money in their pockets to spend on the goods we sell.......we will be one of the few companies left with money left in our pockets to sell the goods to those who want them.

Adam Smith wrote a book that involved the economy of principles. While he might have been the most advanced person on economical principles, I don't think that he would have ever imagined the plight that is upon this very country right now. So....Here is what I did to make myself less vulnerable from these very tough economic times that we are facing.

I was supposed to hire 40-50 people for our strong sales times during the Christmas season. Me....I only hired 15. My thoughts on the matter were this. Hypothetically speaking, if you HAD to get rid of some of your staff, who would you hire that could replace them in a manner that was better than what your old staff served you. So, I looked for the best people I could find. I interviewed no less than 80 people, and I settled on 15 that would do me the most good. I am damn glad that my decision was this because I have many people on my staff who do me the most good in these tough economical times.

So.....just like Forrest Gump......Whether the storm.....and GOD will do the rest.

Thanks to all who read this,


P.S. If you have any good pictures of nature (and nature only) showing GOD's greatness of what he created....please email me with them so I can add them to my facebook picture category showing the greatness of what GOD created @

Thank you all, and God Bless.

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